Alootook Ipellie

Arctic Dreams and Nightmares

Canada   1993

Genre de texte

Extrait du récit «The Dogteam Family» (p. 76-87)

Cette vision du narrateur-shaman lui permet de comprendre sa rencontre plus tôt dans la journée d’une expédition constituée d’un homme nu qui n’a pas de traits faciaux et de son traîneau à chiens, c’est-à-dire une femme nue qui agit à titre de traîneau à chiens et des enfants nus attachés au vagin de leur mère grâce à leur cordon ombilical et qui agissent comme des chiens, comme des Huskies.

Texte original

Édition originale
Arctic Dreams and Nightmares, nouvelles, Penticton, Theytus Books, 1993, p. 86-87.

Le peuple des Chiens

Vision du narrateur-shaman

Later that night, as I lay ready to go to sleep, I had a remarkable vision on the ceiling of my igloo.

It so happened that the woman from the dog team family had been pregnant for a long time. When she was due, she gave birth to a litter of eleven children at the same time! I was amazed to find out that the infants were attached to their mother permanently since the umbilical cords are never cut, as they are in normal human beings.

I was also surprised to learn that the dog team family actually belonged to the Dog People Society which is secluded from the rest of humanity. They live in the netherworld never visited by human beings, somewhere in the vicinity of that huge island which the Norsemen called Greenland. The Dog People alone have exclusive right in being able to get in and out of their private domain. Being Dog People, they have no need to wear clothing even in the dead of winter.

They are rarely seen by the human eye, preferring to come out into the world only after dark. It was by pure luck that I ran into them this day.

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