Lynn Coady

Strange Heaven

Canada   1998

Genre de texte

Ce rêve se situe au chapitre 16, vers la fin du roman. Bridget a donné son bébé en adoption. Marc, qui en est le père, a essayé de parler à Bridget alors qu’il se trouvait de l’autre côté de la rue en face de chez elle, et son ami Stephen tentera de convaincre Bridget de lui adresser la parole. Le rêve survient juste avant que Bridget accepte d’écouter ce que Marc veut lui dire. Elle est restée debout tard pour garder un œil sur sa grand-mère. Stephen vient cogner à la porte de sa maison au milieu de la nuit.

Texte original

Texte témoin
Strange Heaven, Goose Lane Editions : Fredericton, 1998, p. 192.

Bridget 4

Un tas de neige

Mark was sitting in the middle of the lump in front of the post office when she came back from getting a beer, the fluid white coming up almost to his shoulders, most of his body engulfed. She watched him for quite a while, drinking, like he was something on TV.

When she went to sleep she had a dream about all the snow that had piled up against the window of the front door, all the snow being shaken off by someone banging on it. Bam—snow falling off. Bam—all the snow flying off.

It was actually Stephen. And there was no snow to be shaken off the door because all the wind had swept it all away. There was only a fake drift that had been sprayed there from a can by her mother.

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